Attitudes, Skills, and Behaviors of Enablers

So how do you carry out these functions? What are the attitudes, skills, and behaviors you need? See the list in Exhibit 8.3.

Exhibit 8.3 Attitudes and Skills of Enablers

Attitudes of Enablers


1. Respect and trust others.

2. Are trustworthy themselves.

3. Are comfortable with diversity and complexity.

4. Welcome divergent opinions.

5. Question their own assumptions (and expect others to question them, too).

6. Are flexible and comfortable with change.

7. Commit to process as well as outcome.

8. Appreciate conversation and disagreement.

9. Share responsibility for success.

10. Acknowledge responsibility for failure.

11. Balance personal ego with the egos of others.

12. Persevere.

13. Are patient.

Skills of Enablers

They are:

1. Organizational development specialists.

2. Proficient teachers and learners.

3. Effective communicators (listening, observing, informing, and helping to transform information into knowledge and learning).

4. Critical thinkers (anticipating problems, identifying solutions, and redirecting volunteer energies).

5. Strategists (analyzing situations, identifying barriers and opportunities, capitalizing on strengths, and ensuring action and results).

6. Comfortable with conflict, and resolve conflict through shared power with as many individuals as possible.

7. Effective motivators and can focus and manage people.

An effective enabler is a person with the willingness and ability to lead and influence others ...

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