Company Index

NOTES: In the page references, the number after “n” refers to the number of the end note in which the name is cited.

3M, 5, 75, 157

5-Hour Energy, 143


ABB, Inc., 256, 289

Abbott Laboratories, 336

ABC, 78, 250, 340

Adani, 30

Adidas, 340

AirBus, 45

AirTran Airlines, 88

Alibaba, 332

Allegiant Airlines, 88

Allied Signal, 292

Alphabet, 271, 279, 289

Amazon, 38, 171

America Online (AOL), 360

America West, 263

American Airlines, 20, 53, 88, 90, 263

American Express, 6, 190

Anheuser-Busch, 114

Anthem, 344

Apple, 15, 16, 38, 43, 45, 58, 71, 72, 85, 166, 308

Applebee’s, 58

Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), 198

AT&T, 209, 255, 264, 292


Bank of America, 75, 190, 344

Bandhan, 25, 26

Bavaria Brewery Company, 340

Baxala, 336

Bayer, 336

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