
ACA. See Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Accenture, 104, 177

Acquisitions, 29–30, 142, 196–197, 225–230

Activity ratios, 94

Adaptation, 169–171, 199–207

combined with aggregation, 204–205

combined with arbitrage, 205–206

pitfalls and lessons in applying, 176–177

value proposition, 199–202

Adidas, 7, 185

Administrative aggregation, 172

Administrative arbitrage, 173

Administrative distance, 49


telework program, 113

Affordable Care Act (ACA), 71, 139, 140

Aggregation, 171–172

administrative, 172

combined with adaptation, 204–205

cultural, 172

economic, 172

geographic, 172

pitfalls and lessons in applying, 176–177

value proposition, 199, 202–204, 206–207

Airbus, 206

Alcoa, 62

Alignment, strategy as, 13

Allstate, 25

Amazon, 8–9, 22, 24, 56

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