Chapter 13. Putting Your Plan Together
In This Chapter
Developing action plans for your short‐term goals
Assessing the financial viability of your strategic plan
Getting the money for your plan
Mapping out your strategy
Writing, reviewing, and finalizing your plan
You've arrived! If you're at this chapter in sequence, you've reached the point where you can actually put your strategic plan together and give your plan life. You've developed your business strategy and you have a clear roadmap designed to reach your vision. You've identified what you're best at (Chapter 5), refined your mission, vision, and values (Chapter 6), sized up your internal and external environment (Chapters 7, 8, and 9), determined your growth strategies (Chapter 10), selected new markets to reach (Chapter 11), and established your strategic objectives and goals (Chapter 12). The next step (this chapter) is to put all these elements together and put your plan in action.
Before your plan is complete, you develop action plans and complete a financial assessment. Also in this chapter, you create a strategy map, which really is your roadmap to your vision!
Assembling Your Strategic Plan
With all the work you've done up to this point, it's time to put it together in one comprehensive document. This may seem tedious, but I guarantee there's someone on your staff who loves this type of detail work. Seek that person out to collate everything you have done to date. If you don't have such a person, brew up a big pot of coffee ...
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