© Yanis Zafirópulos 2019
Yanis ZafirópulosSwift 4 Recipeshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4182-0_3

3. Conditionals

Yanis Zafirópulos1 
Granada, Spain

Conditionals are at the very core of every programming language. A conditional statement allows us to perform different computations or actions depending on whether a specific Boolean condition evaluates to true or false, thus making changing program flow possible.

3.1 Write an if statement


I want to write a simple if statement.


var sunnyWeather = true
if sunnyWeather {
      print("Sure it's sunny. Let's go for a walk!")

How It Works

In its simplest form, the if statement has a single if condition. In a nutshell: it executes its block of statements only if that condition is true.
Sure ...

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