27 Your First iOS Application

In this chapter, you are going to create iTahDoodle, an iOS application for iPhone. iTahDoodle will allow users to create to-do lists. Like VocalTextEdit, iTahDoodle is a relatively simple app, and building it will give you only a taste of what iOS development is all about. For a thorough exploration of iOS programming, see the most recent edition of iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide.

When you are done, iTahDoodle will look like Figure 27.1.

Figure 27.1 Completed iTahDoodle application

iPhone 7 screen is shown with the following line items in the content: Buy groceries, Pick up kids from school, and Disrupt entrenched industry. At the top of the screen, a box with a prompt “To-do item” and an Insert button are shown.

Users can add an item to the to-do list by typing in the text field at the top and tapping Insert ...

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