
When you find a Web page you might like to visit again, bookmark it. Press ⌘-D, or choose Bookmarks→Add Bookmark, or drag the tiny Web-page icon from the address bar directly onto your Bookmarks bar.

As shown in Figure 12-6, Safari offers to add this Web page’s name (or a shorter name that you specify for it) either to the Bookmarks menu or to the Bookmarks bar (described on Customizing the Toolbar). The next time you want to visit that page, just select its name in whichever location you chose.


Press Shift-⌘-D to add the bookmark to the menu instantly—no questions asked, no dialog box presented.

The (Bookmarks) button on the toolbar opens the Bookmarks editing window (Figure 12-6). Here you can rearrange the names in your Bookmarks menu easily, or peruse them by scrolling through their giant Cover Flow thumbnails—a great feature in a Web browser, because a visual representation of a page is a lot more helpful than some Web address.

(Even without the button, you can get there by choosing Bookmarks→Show All Bookmarks or by pressing Option-⌘-B.)

In the resulting organization window, drag the bookmarks up and down. Figure 12-6 also shows you how to perform more dramatic management tasks, like editing, renaming, or deleting bookmarks.

The Bookmarks menu is one way to maintain a ...

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