As with menus (and,
in fact, all widgets), you must now add a
listener for each button and code the
method for each
to take the appropriate action.
The Listener
code for the four toolbar buttons
created by Example 4-1 is shown here:
openToolItem.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener( ) { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { System.out.println("Open"); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event) { } }); saveToolItem.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener( ) { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { System.out.println("Save"); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event) { } }); cutToolItem.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener( ) { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { System.out.println("Cut"); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event) { } }); copyToolItem.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener( ) { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { System.out.println("Copy"); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event) { } }); pasteToolItem.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener( ) { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { System.out.println("Paste"); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event) { } });
Adding the preceding code to the constructor for
results in the toolbar buttons
becoming functional—at least to the point of printing a message
to the Console when they are pressed, as shown in Figure 4-2.
all that
duplicate code in the
classes? One of the goals of
object-oriented programming is to reduce the amount of code that is
duplicated in an application, yet as you see, the
widgetSelected( )
code added to the
objects is identical to that added to the
objects created in Example 4-1.
This can be corrected by creating named inner classes that implement
the SelectionListener
interface, as shown in
Example 4-2.
Example 4-2. Using named inner classes for SelectionListeners
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*; public class ToolbarShellExample { Display d; Shell s; ToolbarShellExample( ) { d = new Display( ); s = new Shell(d); s.setSize(300,300); s.setImage(new Image(d, "c:\\icons\\JavaCup.ico")); s.setText("A Shell Toolbar Example"); final ToolBar bar = new ToolBar(s,SWT.HORIZONTAL); bar.setSize(500,70); bar.setLocation(0,0); // create images for toolbar buttons final Image saveIcon = new Image(d, "c:\\icons\\save.jpg"); final Image openIcon = new Image(d, "c:\\icons\\open.jpg"); final Image childIcon = new Image(d, "c:\\icons\\userH.ico"); final Image cutIcon = new Image(d, "c:\\icons\\cut.jpg"); final Image copyIcon = new Image(d, "c:\\icons\\copy.jpg"); final Image pasteIcon = new Image(d, "c:\\icons\\paste.jpg"); // create and add the button for performing an open operation final ToolItem openToolItem = new ToolItem(bar, SWT.PUSH); openToolItem.setImage(openIcon); openToolItem.setText("Open"); openToolItem.setToolTipText("Open File"); //create and add the button for performing a save operation final ToolItem saveToolItem = new ToolItem(bar, SWT.PUSH); saveToolItem.setImage(saveIcon); saveToolItem.setText("Save"); saveToolItem.setToolTipText("Save File"); final ToolItem sep1 = new ToolItem(bar, SWT.SEPARATOR); //create and add the button for performing a cut operation final ToolItem cutToolItem = new ToolItem(bar, SWT.PUSH); cutToolItem.setImage(cutIcon); cutToolItem.setText("Cut"); cutToolItem.setToolTipText("Cut"); // create and add the button for performing a copy operation final ToolItem copyToolItem = new ToolItem(bar, SWT.PUSH); copyToolItem.setImage(copyIcon); copyToolItem.setText("Copy"); copyToolItem.setToolTipText("Copy"); // create and add the button for performing a paste operation final ToolItem pasteToolItem = new ToolItem(bar, SWT.PUSH); pasteToolItem.setImage(pasteIcon); pasteToolItem.setText("Paste"); pasteToolItem.setToolTipText("Paste"); // create inner classes for SelectionListeners class Open implements SelectionListener { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { System.out.println("Open"); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event) { } } class Save implements SelectionListener { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { System.out.println("Save"); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event) { } } class Cut implements SelectionListener { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { System.out.println("Cut"); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event) { } } class Copy implements SelectionListener { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { System.out.println("Copy"); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event) { } } class Paste implements SelectionListener { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { System.out.println("Paste"); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event) { } } openToolItem.addSelectionListener(new Open( )); saveToolItem.addSelectionListener(new Save( )); cutToolItem.addSelectionListener(new Cut( )); copyToolItem.addSelectionListener(new Copy( )); pasteToolItem.addSelectionListener(new Paste( )); // create the menu system Menu m = new Menu(s,SWT.BAR); // create a File menu and add an Exit item final MenuItem file = new MenuItem(m, SWT.CASCADE); file.setText("&File"); final Menu filemenu = new Menu(s, SWT.DROP_DOWN); file.setMenu(filemenu); final MenuItem openMenuItem = new MenuItem(filemenu, SWT.PUSH); openMenuItem.setText("&Open\tCTRL+O"); openMenuItem.setAccelerator(SWT.CTRL+'O'); final MenuItem saveMenuItem = new MenuItem(filemenu, SWT.PUSH); saveMenuItem.setText("&Save\tCTRL+S"); saveMenuItem.setAccelerator(SWT.CTRL+'S'); final MenuItem separator = new MenuItem(filemenu, SWT.SEPARATOR); final MenuItem exitMenuItem = new MenuItem(filemenu, SWT.PUSH); exitMenuItem.setText("E&xit"); // create an Edit menu and add Cut, Copy, and Paste items final MenuItem edit = new MenuItem(m, SWT.CASCADE); edit.setText("&Edit"); final Menu editmenu = new Menu(s, SWT.DROP_DOWN); edit.setMenu(editmenu); final MenuItem cutMenuItem = new MenuItem(editmenu, SWT.PUSH); cutMenuItem.setText("&Cut"); final MenuItem copyMenuItem = new MenuItem(editmenu, SWT.PUSH); copyMenuItem.setText("Co&py"); final MenuItem pasteMenuItem = new MenuItem(editmenu, SWT.PUSH); pasteMenuItem.setText("&Paste"); //create a Window menu and add Child items final MenuItem window = new MenuItem(m, SWT.CASCADE); window.setText("&Window"); final Menu windowmenu = new Menu(s, SWT.DROP_DOWN); window.setMenu(windowmenu); final MenuItem maxMenuItem = new MenuItem(windowmenu, SWT.PUSH); maxMenuItem.setText("Ma&ximize"); final MenuItem minMenuItem = new MenuItem(windowmenu, SWT.PUSH); minMenuItem.setText("Mi&nimize"); // create a Help menu and add an About item final MenuItem help = new MenuItem(m, SWT.CASCADE); help.setText("&Help"); final Menu helpmenu = new Menu(s, SWT.DROP_DOWN); help.setMenu(helpmenu); final MenuItem aboutMenuItem = new MenuItem(helpmenu, SWT.PUSH); aboutMenuItem.setText("&About"); // add action listeners for the menu items openMenuItem.addSelectionListener(new Open( )); saveMenuItem.addSelectionListener(new Save( )); exitMenuItem.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener( ) { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { System.exit(0); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) { } }); cutMenuItem.addSelectionListener(new Cut( )); copyMenuItem.addSelectionListener(new Copy( )); pasteMenuItem.addSelectionListener(new Paste( )); maxMenuItem.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener( ) { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { Shell parent = (Shell)maxMenuItem.getParent( ).getParent( ); parent.setMaximized(true); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) { } }); minMenuItem.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener( ) { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { Shell parent = (Shell)minMenuItem.getParent( ).getParent( ); parent.setMaximized(false); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) { } }); aboutMenuItem.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener( ) { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { System.out.println("Help Invoked"); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) { } }); s.setMenuBar(m); ); while(!s.isDisposed( )){ if(!d.readAndDispatch( )) d.sleep( ); } d.dispose( ); } }
As you can see from Example 4-2, the number of duplicated lines is
decreased. This is accomplished by adding a named inner class for
each SelectionListener
that was shared between a
menu item and a toolbar button. For example, the inner class for the
Open functionality is now written as follows:
This saves a little code—how much depends on the contents of the inner classes. Remember, he who writes the fewest lines wins.
class Open implements SelectionListener { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { System.out.println("Open"); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event) { } }
The inner class is then used for both the menu item and the toolbar
button by calling the addSelectionListener()
method for each:
openToolItem.addSelectionListener(new Open( )); openMenuItem.addSelectionListener(new Open( ));
Either approach is valid: choose whichever best matches your coding philosophy.
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