
Figures are indicated by f and tables are indicated by t.

AA credit spreads, 271

ABCP (asset-backed commercial paper), 100

Abelian group, 174–175

ABSs (asset-backed securities), 100


of numbers, 169

as worldview, 304–305

Adaptation, 60

AIG, 244–245


“algebraization,” 296, 301–302

intuitions, 294–297, 348

learning from, 299–301

and “phynance,” 302–304

symmetry in, 297–301

Alternating groups, 299

Antibiotics, 7

Arbitrage, 213–215, 264

Arrears, 66–67

Asset class:

sovereign debt as, 130–131

volatility of, 183

Asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP), 100

Asset-backed securities (ABSs), 100


prices of, 181, 188–190

rich, 167

Austerity, 15–17, 69–77

meaning of word, 69

South Korea, 75–76, 76f

South Vietnam, 70–73

and Treasuries, ...

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