2 Social Magic for Dinner? The Taste Script and Shaping of Foodieness in Netflix’s Chef’s Table

Sofia Ulver and Marcus Klasson

Suggested Preliminary Reading

  1. Campbell, Colin (2005) “The Craft Consumer: Culture, Craft and Consumption in a Postmodern Society.” Journal of Consumer Culture, 5(1):23–42.
  2. Harvey, David (2005) A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  3. Üstüner, Tuba, and Craig J. Thompson (2010) “How Marketplace Performances Produce Interdependent Status Games and Contested Forms of Symbolic Capital.” Journal of Consumer Research, 38(5):796–814.

Recommended Further Reading

  1. Warde, Alan (1997) Consumption, Food and Taste, London: SAGE.
  2. Parasecoli, Fabio (2005) “Feeding Hard Bodies: Food and Masculinities in Men’s ...

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