4 What’s New? Institutional Work in Updating Taste

Marie-Agnès Parmentier and Eileen Fischer

Suggested Preliminary Reading

  1. Blumer, Herbert (1969) “From Class Differentiation to Collective Selection,” The Sociological Quarterly 10, 275–291.
  2. Davis. Fred (1991) “Herbert Blumer and the Study of Fashion: A Reminiscence and A Critique,” Symbolic Interaction. 14, 1–21.
  3. Lawrence, Thomas, Roy Suddaby and Bernard Leca (2011) “Institutional Work: Refocusing Institutional Studies of Organization,” Journal of Management Inquiry. 20, 52–58.

Recommended Further Reading

  1. Simmel, Georg (1957) “Fashion,” American Journal of Sociology, 62(6), 541–558.
  2. Lieberson, Stanley (2000) A Matter of Taste: How Names, Fashions, and Culture Change. Yale University Press. ...

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