1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Activity 1.01: Generating All Possible Sequences of Steps in a Tic-Tac-Toe Game
The following steps will help you to complete this activity:
- Open a new Jupyter Notebook file.
- Reuse the function codes of Steps 2–9 from the previous, Exercise 1.02, Creating an AI with Random Behavior for the Tic-Tac-Toe Game.
- Create a function that maps the all_moves_from_board_list function to each element of a list of boards. This way, we will have all of the nodes of a decision tree in each depth:
def all_moves_from_board_list(board_list, sign):
move_list = []
for board in board_list:
move_list.extend(all_moves_from_board(board, sign))
return move_list
In the preceding code snippet, ...
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