
active thinking, 88

activity. See exercise/activities

advice, 83–84

aha moments, 1–2, 110

analysis versus insight strategies, 143–144


due to personality conflicts, 146–148

friendly, 45

thoughts occurring during, 26

Art of Insight, The (TAOI), 54–56

discussion about (example), 35–36

key elements, 6

in organizations (see introducing TAOI to organizations; team/group applications for TAOI)

Art of Thought, The (Wallas), 109

assessing your progress, 167–169

assumptions, challenging basic, 117

August Rush (film), 35

bad moods, 52–53

Bailey, Joseph, 81–82

Banks, Sydney, 33

basketball analogy (recovering equilibrium), 53–54, 94

basketball game example (quiet mind), 44–45, 55–56

behavior, insights into others’, 28–29

behavioral states ...

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