
Page numbers in italic indicate figures or tables and in bold indicate glossary terms.

3D see BIM Level 2

4D animations 758

5D quantification 789


access modelling 12930, 129, 130

AIM see Asset Information Model (AIM)

AIR see Asset Information Requirements (AIR)

animations, 4D 758

area data sheets (ADS) 1112, 12

assessment attributes 456

asset costs 1213

asset information 1415, 13740, 138, 139

Asset Information Model (AIM) 136, 137, 144

Asset Information Plan 32

Asset Information Requirements (AIR) 1356, 144

asset management strategy 812

assets 889

automated purchasing 59

automatic design verification 11820, 119, 120

awareness campaigns 86


backups 478, 47, 48

BCF see BIM Collaboration Format (BCF)

BCIS see Building Cost ...

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