Numbers and Symbols

* (asterisk), as Arbitrary Selector, 26

^ (caret), as Beginning Selector, 23–25

$ (dollar sign), as Ending Selector, 25–26

:: (double colon), for pseudo-elements, 45

= (equal sign), as Exact Attribute Value Selector, 22

~ (tilde), as Partial Attribute Value Selector, 22

| (vertical pipe), as Language Attribute Selector, 22–23

2D transformations

browser support, 137, 147, 261

in document flow, 137–138

with matrices, 144–147

online resources, 265

origin, 138–139

2D Transformations Module, 135

3D transformations, 149–163

browser support, 163, 261

functions, 151–158

perspective, 154–155

rotation around axis, 151–153

scaling, 156–157

transformation matrix, 157–158

translation along axis, 155–156

online resources, 265

origin, ...

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