

AAPCS (Procedure Call Standard for ARM Architecture), 159, 204
assembly code and C program interactions, 170
double-word stack alignment, 204
Access port (AP), 245
AFSR (Auxiliary Fault Status Register), 126, 416, 421
AHB (Advanced High-performance Bus), 80, 101, 146, 207
AHB-AP, 102, 245, 264–265
AHB-to-APB, 102, 107
in BE-8 Big Endian mode, 95, 96
BusMatrix, 102, 105–107
error responses, causes, 121
in word-invariant big endian, 95, 96
AIRCR (NVIC Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register), 113, 125, 241, 254, 412
AMBA (Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture), 101, 244
APB (Advanced Peripheral Bus), 80, 101, 104, 244
APB-AP, 246
API (Application Programming Interface), 126, 193
APSR (Application Program Status Register),

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