
35 mm celluloid film: film three strip 55

3D 38, 125, 128, 29, 139, 234, 248, 276, 302, 30810

Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein 117

absurdity, in comedy 132

accidents, in editing 323, 120, 168, 298

action, action adventure films; conflicts in 194; cutting on 15, 91; emphasizing action 1456; emphasizing in adventure films 145; guideposts 1401, 141f; heroes in 140; matching 1, 7, 15, 230; overcranking effect 1434; overview 139; and pace 143; trims in 48, 57, 169, 173, 213

actors see characters; dialogue

Adaptation 102

Adler, Mark 253, 271

ADR (automated dialog replacement) 244, 256, 2602, 264, 270, 309, 318; adventure films see action, action adventure films

Affairs of the Heart 298, 300

agendas behind documentaries 155, 158

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