The Backstory
Let's face it: great managers are rare, and becoming a great manager can take many (difficult) years. But what if there were a way to simplify the complexity of leadership, and become a great manager faster? There is a way to do just that, and we've written this book to show you how. The skills we'll share with you aren't hard, but they do require deliberate practice. As you master each skill, you'll notice your life getting easier, and you'll see yourself making a bigger difference in the world, every day. But first let's talk about why managers matter.
Why Managers Matter
Here's the bad news: 88% of people say they are relieved when their manager is out sick (Leone 2020). Worldwide, only 20% of employees strongly agree they are managed in a motivating way. Poor management costs roughly $7 trillion globally every year in terms of errors, inefficiencies, and turnover – not to mention people's mental and physical health (Wigert and Harter 2017). If you've ever had a bad manager, you've experienced firsthand how it can turn joyful work into daily dread.
There. Now that that's out of the way, let's spend the rest of this book together dwelling on the good news. Great managers make work and life better. They help teams achieve amazing results. They help individuals do their life's best work. We (Tania and LeeAnn) have seen this time and time again thanks to the work we do through our company, LifeLabs Learning, where we train hundreds of thousands of employees at ...
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