
Page numbers in bold indicate a figure.

4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days 107

5th Wave, The 35

8 Men Out 49

8 Mile 38

9 1/2 Weeks 54

10 Years 137

12 Angry Men 73, 79, 136

12 Years a Slave 30, 85, 88, 946, 158, 159

17 Again 26

21 Jump Street 107

28 Weeks Later 53

39 Steps, The 16

50 First Dates 33

50/50 16, 54

101 Dalmatians 115

127 Hours 85, 109, 141, 144

300 42

3:10 to Yuma 45

1941 42

1984 141

2001: A Space Odyssey 67, 86, 107

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 63

About Schmidt 119

Abrahams, Jim 148

Action supergenre 214, 21, 31; and 12 Years a Slave 95; and Casablanca 160, 161; and macrogenres 47; super-macro combinations 51, 52; and thrillers 40

Adaptation 83, 118, 119, 122

Addiction macrogenre 4951, 49, 54, 567, 602

Adjustment Bureau, The ...

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