Abelman, Michael, 73
Accion, 121
Ace, 143
ACENet (Appalachian Center for Economic Networks), 146
community-supported, 71–72, 138
local nature of, 101
Airbus, 181
Alabama, economic development programs of, 28
Alarcon, Richard, 61
in-state preferences by, 170
size limits for stores in, 173
Allens, 153
American Banking Association, 83
American Community Gardening Association, 73
American dream, disappearance of, 21–22
American Express, 60
AMIBA (American Independent Business Alliance), 142, 221
Andersonville, Illinois, 48, 161, 176–77
Annapolis, Maryland, 109, 184–85
Ann Arbor, Michigan, 113
AOL, 91
Apathy, 221
Appalachian ...
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