© Mike Halsey 2017

Mike Halsey, The Windows 10 Productivity Handbook, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3294-1_1

1. Getting Up to Speed with Windows 10

Mike Halsey

(1)Gleadless Valley, Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK

Do you dream? Do you watch people around you going about their daily tasks, and wonder how they’re able to achieve things you can’t, be more effective than you can be, or have more time for enjoyment? You’re not alone: at some point, everybody will have watched another person achieve what they would consider to be almost impossible.

This happens on a macro level when we see explorers heading into the vast unknowns of the Arctic or the Himalayas. It happens when we watch extreme sports or when someone’s latest app has just made them their first ...

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