Absorbents, 1057
Absorber, 1029
Acceleration pump system, 515
constant pressure, 114
variable pressure, 113
Actual velocity diagrams for centrifugal compressor, 753
Adiabatic compression process, 748
Adiabatic efficiency, 699
Adiabatic mixing of two air streams, 1058
Adiabatic saturation process, 1043
Adiabatic saturation temperature (AST), 1043
Adsorbents, 1057
Advanced cooling system, 591
After-burner, 667
Aftercooler, 704
Air bleeding device, 512
Air conditioning systems, 1080
comfort, 1084
industrial, 1084
summer, 1080
winter, 1089
Air cooling system, 584
Air infiltration in condenser, 397
effects of, 397
sources of, 397
Air injection system, ...
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