
Note: Page numbers with “b” denote boxes; “f” figures; “t” tables.

Absorption, 250
Accessories, 172–183
attachments, 173–175
insulation supports, 175–181, 176f, 177f, 178f, 179f
reinforcement, 182–183
securing devices, 181–182
Accessory materials, 298–300
See also Materials
Acidic corrosion, 134–135
alkaline, 135
bimetallic, 135–136
intergranular, 135
Adhesives, 104
application characteristics of, 105
chemically curing, 106
classification of, 104
facing and film-attachment, 104
insulation bonding, 104, 105t
“lagging,”, 104
hot melt, 106
service properties of, 106
adhesive strength, 106
curing mechanism, 106
temperature limits, 106
solvent-based, 106
types of, 107
Aerogels, 317–320
advantages of, 319–320

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