64. What Sites Can Help Me Find Relevant News?
The most successful social media campaigns usually come from brands that don't just create a lot of noise. If a brand jumped right in to offering specials and deals and contests from Day 1, that brand sets an expectation in its followers that this is the type of content they can expect to find moving forward. If this isn't what your brand is about, there needs to be more meat to your content than just self-serving updates and contests.
Some brands choose to include news from other sources to build their social presence. This can be current events, posts from relevant blogs, tips and tricks or just information that may be interesting to the target market.
There are sites and mobile applications that can work to help gather relevant news and information. Using these sites, you can more easily filter through various topics to quickly find content that can help build your brand presence and establish a good foundation for your social media campaign.
Alltop is self-billed as an “online magazine rack of the web.” This site aggregates headlines and puts them all in one place, sorted by topic and source. The headlines are links that go directly to the original article. Users of the site can create their own Alltop page and handpick content sources (see Figure 9-1). Visiting a personalized Alltop page is like being able to place all of ...
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