
ActiveX controls, 12, 27, 105

ampersand (&), 8

bubble chart, 8081

Button (Form Control), 1516

CAPEX (Capital Expenditure), 5255

cash flow, 4449

consolidated, 4748

Data Table function on, 53

to illustrate Scenario Manager, 60

using Goal Seek, 5152


bubble, 8081

dynamic, 8188

guidelines, 7780

interactive, 105107

multivariable, 101105

scatter, 107112

spider, 100101

tornado, 95100

waterfall, 8895

Check Box (Form Control), 1821

Combo Box (Form Control), 1718

CONSOLIDATE function, 4449

according to position, 4447

into existing template, 4748

using formula, 4849


ActiveX, 27

Form Control, 1227

CORREL function, 108109

correlating variables, 107112


dependent dropdown list, 312

dynamic chart,

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