A1.3 Buying Behavior (Items S-2, S-3, and 1–6)

Purchases. The 150 respondents bought 314 JetSprays over their lifetime, so the average JetSpray owner bought 2.1 models. Of these, 143 (46%) are two-passenger models, and 171 (54%) are three-passenger models. Overall, 18% bought one small (i.e., two-passenger) model, 31% bought two small models, and 5% bought more than two small models. In addition, 26% bought one large (i.e., three-passenger) model, 11% bought two large models, and 9% bought more than two large models or a combination of model sizes.

Problems. Which problems do you have with your JetSpraystalling engine, tipping with heavy passengers, falling off, sliding in sharp turns, or capsizing (Chart 8)?

Desires. What improvements do you ...

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