List of figures and tables


2.1. User-centred design factors 15

2.2. ADDIE model 20

2.3. DDE model 20

2.4. Information architecture map 22

2.5. Nielsen’s kids, teens and adult preferences 26

2.6. Including children in the web design process in multiple ways 27

3.1. Ask-A-Librarian timeline 41

3.2. Example of full chat with page pushing 45

3.3. Ask-A-Librarian chat screenshot 46

3.4. Examples of feedback from after-hours UK customers 49

3.5. The times questions are submitted to Enquire 50

3.6. Feedback from the exit survey at the end of a chat session 52

3.7. Collaborative service – France 55

3.8. Collaborative service – Spain 56

7.1. The Resource Discovery Taskforce vision 115

8.1. Helicopter view of the virtual Black Country 126 ...

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