

ABCD matrices, 123127, 132139

 astronomical telescope, 127, 129

 Galilean telescope, 127, 129

 multiple-prism beam expander, 127, 131, 134, 137

 multiple-return pass beam divergence, 139

 single-prism, 123133

 telescopes in series, 135136

 unstable resonators, 140

Airy formula, 264265

Alexandrite lasers, 218

Allowable mismatch, 194

Amici prism, 9194

 dispersion of, 9193

Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), 159

Angle of refraction, 51, 55

Angular dispersion, 5456

Ar+ lasers, 211

Astronomical telescopes, 127, 129

Astronomy, beam divergence, 6668

Atmospheric turbulence, 244

 interferometric detection of, 244

Attenuation of laser intensity, 115


Beam divergence, 5354, 6470, 86, 88, 136, 156

 astronomy and, 6668

 laser guide ...

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