Wildcards, Sets, and Brace Expansion

We’ve already used wildcards in a few places in this chapter, but there’s a lot more you can do with them than just using the * and ? operators to match strings and characters, respectively, as shown in Table 7-5.

Table 7-5. Wildcards and their meanings




Any sequence of characters, except for a leading period


Any single character, except for a leading period


Any one of the characters in the set


Any one of the characters from ch1 through ch2


Any single character not in the set


Any single character not from ch1 through ch2


Match all the characters and/or strings

Using Sets and Ranges

A set of characters placed within a pair of rectangular brackets can match a single character in a file or folder name. This is a more precise version of the ? single-character wildcard. For example, the set [abcdef] will match any of the six characters shown so that [abcdef]ark.txt will match the filenames bark.txt and dark.txt, as long as they both exist. You can also save on typing by using a hyphen to indicate a range of characters so that [a-f] is equivalent to [abcdef].

Another neat thing you can do with a set is force all upper- or all lowercase matches using the ranges [A-Z] or [a-z]. Or you can limit the matching to only alphabetical characters of either case (excluding digits and other characters) by using the set [a-zA-z]. And you can also use numbers in a range, as in [0-9].

Alternatively, you can exclude characters ...

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