

A-mode ultrasound, 555–6
absorption, 375
acoustic agglomeration, 502
acoustic contrast agent, 558, 564
acoustic field
optical visualisation, 314–27
Fresnel visualisation method, 320–2
photoelastic visualisation method, 323–7
Schlieren visualisation technique, 314–19
acoustic impedance, 92
acoustic microstreaming, 546
acoustic radiation force, 550
acoustic streaming, 546, 550
acoustic wave equation, 221–4
diagonalisation, 233–4
AD524, 593
admittance loop, 268
AFiDS, 630
air-cleaning, 502–5
air-coupled non-destructive evaluation (NDE), 392–5
airborne ultrasound transducers, 374–403
air-coupled non-destructive evaluation, 392–5
carbon-fibre plate with impact damage, 394
solid chocolate sample and chocolate sample containing nuts, 395 ...

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