* (asterisk), 139–142, 157, 159, 175
** (exponentiation operator), 306–307
\ (backslash), 26
` (backtick), 26
{} (curly braces), 56–57, 88–89, 285
${ } (substitution delimiters), 28–29
... (rest items), 92–93
... (rest parameters), 44–46
... (spread operator), 47–48
converting sets to arrays, 126
nonarray iterables and, 151–152
= (equal sign), 87
== (equals operator), 72
=== (identically equals operator), 72
|| (logical OR operator), 36
[] (square brackets), 70–71
accessor properties, 74, 173–174
add() method, 40–42
for sets, 122–123
for weak sets, 127–128
arguments object
effect of default parameter values on, 38–39
effect ...
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