

ABC (American Broadcasting Company), 164, 218, 264265

Adelphia, 178

Advanced Micro Devices, 34

Akamai, 249

Alex. Brown & Sons Inc., 4445, 114

Allen, Bob, 230231

Allen, Paul, 274

Alliance Capital Management, 243

AlltheWeb, 255, 2327, 80, 87, 112, 120, 182, 249, 251

competition with eToys, 107109

early development, 79, 9192

IPO of, 5, 53, 9192

product expansion and diversification, 93

recovery after bust, 8789, 9293, 103104, 129, 247

Amdahl, 110

American Booksellers Association, 91

American Stock Exchange, 81

America Online (AOL):

accounting practices, 94, 99, 127

chat rooms, 7071, 74, 7677

dial-up service, 167168, 180

disk mailings, 7576

early development, 77, 80

enhancement of revenues, 172178

IPO of, 73

Internet service, 62

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