UPC Language Specifications, v1.1.1
Tarek A. El-Ghazawi, William W. Carlson, and Jesse M. Draper
3 Terms, Definitions, and Symbols
6.3.1 upc_localsizeof Operator
6.3.2 upc_blocksizeof Operator
6.3.4 Pointer-to-Shared Arithmetic
6.3.5 Cast and Assignment Expressions
6.4.2 Shared and Reference Type Qualifiers
7.2.1 Termination of All Threads
7.2.2 Shared Memory Allocation Functions
7.2.3 Pointer-to-Shared Manipulation Functions
7.2.5 Shared String-Handling Functions
- UPC is a parallel extension to the C Standard. UPC follows the distributed shared memory programming paradigm. The first version of UPC, known as version 0.9, was published in ...
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