Oracle (oci8) Extension Functions Renamed

The Oracle extension’s function names are now consistent with the rest of PHP. For instance, ocibindbyname( ) is now oci_bind_by_name( ), and ocinewcursor( ) is now oci_new_cursor( ). See Table B-1 for a complete list of old and new function names.


The old names are preserved for backward compatibility, but should be considered deprecated.

Table B-1. Renamed oci functions



ocibindbyname( )

oci_bind_by_name( )

ocicancel( )

oci_cancel( )

ocicollappend( )

oci_collection_append( )

ocicollassignelem( )

oci_collection_element_assign( )

ocicollgetelem( )

oci_collection_element_get( )

ocicollmax( )

oci_collection_max( )

ocicollsize( )

oci_collection_size( )

ocicolltrim( )

oci_collection_trim( )

ocicolumnisnull( )

oci_field_is_null( )

ocicolumnname( )

oci_field_name( )

ocicolumnprecision( )

oci_field_precision( )

ocicolumnscale( )

oci_field_scale( )

ocicolumnsize( )

oci_field_size( )

ocicolumntype( )

oci_field_type( )

ocicolumntyperaw( )

oci_field_type_raw( )

ocicommit( )

oci_commit( )

ocidefinebyname( )

oci_define_by_name( )

ocierror( )

oci_error( )

ociexecute( )

oci_execute( )

ocifetch( )

oci_fetch( )

ocifetchstatement( )

oci_fetch_all( )

ocifreecollection( )

oci_free_collection( )

ocifreecursor( )

oci_free_cursor( )

ocifreedesc( )

oci_free_descriptor( )

ocifreestatement( )

oci_free_statement( ...

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