accessibility, 51
accessibility myths (Web sites), 203–205
operating systems, 54–55
Section 508, 52
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, 52–54
Active Server Pages (ASP), 10
Address bar, 27
advanced users, needs of, 143
affordances, 127
ALT tags, 204–205
Alto, 2–3
America Online (AOL), 9
Americans with Disabilities Act, 52
analyzing usability test data, 241–243
animals associated with personality types, 118
animation, Web design myths, 202
AOL (America Online), 9
Apple II series, 3
Apple Lisa, 3
Apple Macintosh, 3–4
application service providers (ASPs), 44
application sites, 206–210
Internet-based applications, 200
Web-based applications, 44
Archy interface,
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