Chapter 4. Docker Fundamentals

In this chapter, we’ll expand on the fundamental Docker concepts. We’ll start by looking at the overall architecture of Docker, including the technologies it builds on. This is followed by more in-depth sections on building Docker images, networking containers, and handling data in volumes. The chapter concludes with an overview of the remaining Docker commands.


As this chapter contains a lot of reference material, you may prefer to skim the main points and move onto Chapter 5, referring back to this chapter as needed.

The Docker Architecture

In order to understand how best to use Docker and some of the more unusual behavior in Docker, it’s good to have a rough understanding of how the Docker platform is put together under the covers.

In Figure 4-1, we can see the major components of a Docker installation:

  • At the center is the Docker daemon, which is responsible for creating, running, and monitoring containers, as well as building and storing images, both of which are represented on the right of the diagram. The Docker daemon is launched by running docker daemon, which is normally taken care of by the host OS.

  • The Docker client is on the lefthand side and is used to talk to the Docker daemon via HTTP. By default, this happens over a Unix domain socket, but it can also use a TCP socket to enable remote clients or a file descriptor for systemd-managed sockets. Because all communication must be done over HTTP, it’s easy to connect to remote Docker daemons and develop programming language bindings, but it also has implications for how features are implemented, such as requiring a build context for Dockerfiles, as explained in “The Build Context”). The API used for communication with daemon is well defined and documented, allowing developers to write programs that interface directly with the daemon, without using the Docker client. The Docker client and daemon are distributed as a single binary.

  • Docker registries store and distribute images. The default registry is the Docker Hub, which hosts thousands of public images as well as curated “official” images. Many organizations run their own registries that can be used to store commercial or sensitive images, which also avoids the overhead of needing to download images from the Internet. See “Running Your Own Registry” for information on running your own registry. The Docker daemon will download images from registries in response to docker pull requests. It will also automatically download images specified in docker run requests and in the FROM instruction of Dockerfiles if they are not available locally.

usdk 0401
Figure 4-1. High-level overview of major Docker components

Underlying Technologies

The Docker daemon uses an “execution driver” to create containers. By default, this is Docker’s own runc driver, but there is also legacy support for LXC. Note that runc is very closely tied to the following kernel features:


Responsible for managing resources used by a container (e.g., CPU and memory usage). They are also responsible for freezing and unfreezing containers, as used in the docker pause functionality.


Responsible for isolating containers; making sure that a container’s filesystem, hostname, users, networking, and processes are separated from the rest of the system.

Libcontainer also supports SELinux and AppArmor, which can be enabled for tighter security. See Chapter 13 for more information.

Another major technology underlying Docker is the Union File System (UFS), used to store the layers for containers. The UFS is provided by one of several storage drivers, either AUFS, devicemapper, BTRFS, or Overlay. See the previous discussion of UFS in “Images, Containers, and the Union File System”.

Surrounding Technologies

The Docker engine and the Docker Hub do not in and of themselves constitute a complete solution for working with containers. Most users will find they require supporting services and software, such as cluster management, service discovery tools, and advanced networking capabilities. As described in “Plugins and Plumbing”, Docker, Inc., plans to build a complete out-of-the-box solution that includes these features but allows users to easily swap out the default components for third-party ones. The “swappable batteries” strategy primarily refers to the API level—allowing components to hook into the Docker Engine—but can also be seen as allowing supporting Docker technology packaged as independent binaries to be easily replaced with third-party equivalents.

The current list of supporting technologies supplied by Docker includes:


Docker’s clustering solution. Swarm can group together several Docker hosts, allowing the user to treat them as a unified resource. See Chapter 12 for more information.


Docker Compose is a tool for building and running applications composed of multiple Docker containers. It is primarily used in development and testing rather than production. See “Automating with Compose” for more details.


Docker Machine installs and configures Docker hosts on local or remote resources. Machine also configures the Docker client, making it easy to swap between environments. See Chapter 9 for an example.


Kitematic is a Mac OS and Windows GUI for running and managing Docker containers.

Docker Trusted Registry

Docker’s on-premise solution for storing and managing Docker images. Effectively a local version of the Docker Hub that can integrate with an existing security infrastructure and help organizations comply with regulations regarding the storage and security of data. Features include metrics, role-based access control (RBAC), and logs, all managed through an administrative console. This is currently the only non–open source product from Docker, Inc.

There is already a large list of services and applications from third parties that build on or work with Docker. Several solutions have already emerged in the following areas:


Creating networks of containers that span hosts is a nontrivial problem that can be solved in a variety of ways. Several solutions have appeared in this area, including Weave and Project Calico. In addition, Docker will soon have an integrated networking solution called Overlay. Users will be able to swap out the Overlay driver for other solutions using Docker’s networking plugin framework.

Service discovery

When a Docker container comes up, it needs some way of finding the other services it needs to talk to, which are typically also running in containers. As containers are dynamically assigned IP addresses, this isn’t a trivial problem in a large system. Solutions in this area include Consul, Registrator, SkyDNS, and etcd.

Orchestration and cluster management

In large container deployments, tooling is essential in order to monitor and manage the system. Each new container needs to be placed on a host, monitored, and updated. The system needs to respond to failures or changes in load by moving, starting, or stopping containers appropriately. There are already several competing solutions in the area, including Google’s Kubernetes; Marathon, a framework for Mesos; CoreOS’s Fleet; and Docker’s own Swarm tooling.

All of these topics are covered in more depth in Part III. It is worth pointing out that there are also alternatives to the Docker Trusted Registry, including the CoreOS Enterprise Registry and JFrog’s Artifactory.

In addition to the previously mentioned network driver plugins, Docker also supports volume plugins for integration with other storage systems. Notable volume plugins include Flocker, a multihost data management and migration tool, and GlusterFS for distributed storage. More information on the plugin framework can be found at the Docker website.

An interesting side effect of the rise of containers is the new breed of operating systems designed to host them. While Docker runs happily on most current Linux distributions such as Ubuntu and Red Hat, there are several projects underway to create minimal and easy-to-maintain distributions that are focused entirely on running containers (or containers and VMs), especially within a context of powering a datacenter or cluster. Examples include Project Atomic, CoreOS, and RancherOS.

Docker Hosting

We’ll cover Docker hosting in more detail in Chapter 9, but it’s worth pointing out some of the many choices here. Many of the traditional cloud providers, including Amazon, Google, and Digital Ocean, have brought out some level of Docker offering. Google’s Container Engine may be the most interesting of these, as it is built directly on top of Kubernetes. Of course, even when a cloud provider doesn’t have a specific Docker offering, it’s normally still possible to provision VMs that can run Docker containers.

Joyent has also entered the space with its own container offering, called Triton, built on top of SmartOS. By implementing the Docker API with its own container and Linux emulation technology, Joyent was able to create a public cloud that interfaces with the standard Docker client. Importantly, Joyent believes its container implementation is secure enough to run directly on bare metal rather than having to be placed in VMs, meaning it can result in large efficiency savings, especially in terms of I/O.

There are also several projects that build a PaaS platform on top of Docker, including Deis, Flynn, and Paz.

How Images Get Built

We saw in “Building Images from Dockerfiles” that the primary way to make new images is through Dockerfiles and the docker build command. This section will look at what happens here in a little more depth and end with a guide to the various instructions that can be used in a Dockerfile. It’s handy to have some understanding of how the build command works internally, as its behavior can sometimes be surprising.

The Build Context

The docker build command requires a Dockerfile and a build context (which may be empty). The build context is the set of local files and directories that can be referenced from ADD or COPY instructions in the Dockerfile and is normally specified as a path to a directory. For example, we used the build command docker build -t test/cowsay-dockerfile . in “Building Images from Dockerfiles”, which sets the context to '.', the current working directory. All the files and directories under the path form the build context and will be sent to the Docker daemon as part of the build process.

In cases where a context is not specified (if only a URL to a Dockerfile is given or the contents of a Dockerfile are piped from STDIN), the build context is considered to be empty.

Don’t Use / as the Build Context

As the build context is gathered into a tarball and sent to the Docker daemon, you really don’t want to use a directory with lots of files in it already. For example, using /home/user, Downloads, or / will result in a long delay while the Docker client bundles everything up and transfers it to the daemon.

If a URL beginning with http or https is given, it is assumed to be a direct link to a Dockerfile. This is unlikely to be very useful, as no context is associated with the Dockerfile (and links to archives are not accepted).

A git repository can also be given as the build context. In this situation, the Docker client will clone the repository and any submodules to a temporary directory that is then sent to the Docker daemon as the build context. Docker will interpret the context as a git repository if the path begins with, git@, or git://. In general, I would suggest avoiding this method and instead checking out repositories by hand, which is more flexible and leaves less chance for confusion.

The Docker client can also take input on STDIN by giving a "-" as an argument in place of the build context. The input can either be a Dockerfile with no context (e.g., docker build - < Dockerfile) or an archive file that constitutes the context and includes a Dockerfile (e.g., docker build - < context.tar.gz). Archive files can be in tar.gz, xz, or bzip2 format.

The location of the Dockerfile within the context can be specified with the -f argument (e.g., docker build -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.debug .). If unspecified, Docker will look for a file called Dockerfile at the root of the context.

Use a .dockerignore File

In order to remove unneeded files from the build context, you can use a .dockerignore file. The file should contain the names of files to exclude, separated by newlines. The wildcard characters * and ? are allowed. Here’s an example .dockerignore file:

.git 1
*/.git 2
*/*/.git 3
*.sw? 4

Will ignore a .git file or directory in the root of the build context, but allow it any subdirectory (i.e., .git is ignored, but dir1/.git isn’t).


Will ignore a .git file or directory exactly one directory below the root (i.e., dir1/.git is ignored but .git and dir1/dir2/.git aren’t).


Will ignore a .git file or directory exactly two directories below the root (i.e., dir1/dir2/.git is ignored but .git and dir1/.git aren’t).


Will ignore test.swp, test.swo, and bla.swp but not dir1/test.swp.

Full regular expressions such as [A-Z]* are not supported.

At the time of writing, there isn’t a way to match files over all subdirectories (e.g., you can’t ignore both /test.tmp and /dir1/test.tmp in one expression).

Image Layers

New Docker users are often thrown by the way images are built up. Each instruction in a Dockerfile results in a new image layer, which can also be used to start a container. The new layer is created by starting a container using the image of the previous layer, executing the Dockerfile instruction and saving a new image. When a Dockerfile instruction successfully completes, the intermediate container will be deleted, unless the --rm=false argument was given.1 Because each instruction results in a static image—essentially just a filesystem and some metadata—all running processes in the instruction will be stopped. This means that while you can start long-lived processes, such as databases or SSH daemons in a RUN instruction, they will not be running when the next instruction is processed or a container is started. If you want a service or process to start with the container, it must be launched from an ENTRYPOINT or CMD instruction.

You can see the full set of layers that make up an image by running the docker history command. For example:

$ docker history mongo:latest
IMAGE          CREATED      CREATED BY                                      ...
278372cb22b2   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["mongod"]
341d04fd3d27   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop) EXPOSE 27017/tcp
ebd34b5e9c37   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT &{["/entrypoint.
f3b2b8cf226c   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:ef2883b33ed7ba0cc
ba53e9f50f18   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop) VOLUME [/data/db]
c537910de5cc   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c mkdir -p /data/db && chown -R mong
f48ad436057a   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c set -x
df59596772ab   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c echo "deb
96de83c82d4b   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV MONGO_VERSION=3.0.6
0dab801053d9   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV MONGO_MAJOR=3.0
5e7b428dddf7   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c apt-key adv --keyserver
e81ad85ddfce   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c curl -o /usr/local/bin/gosu -SL "h
7328803ca452   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c gpg --keyserver ha.pool.sks-keyser
ec5be38a3c65   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c apt-get update
430e6598f55b   4 days ago   /bin/sh -c groupadd -r mongodb && useradd -r
19de96c112fc   6 days ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"]
ba249489d0b6   6 days ago   /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:b908886c97e2b96665

When a build fails, it can be very useful to launch the layer before the failure. Here’s an example Dockerfile:

FROM busybox:latest

RUN echo "This should work"
RUN /bin/bash -c echo "This won't"

If we try to build it:

$ docker build -t echotest .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kB
Step 0 : FROM busybox:latest
 ---> 4986bf8c1536
Step 1 : RUN echo "This should work"
 ---> Running in f63045cc086b 1
This should work
 ---> 85b49a851fcc 2
Removing intermediate container f63045cc086b 3
Step 2 : RUN /bin/bash -c echo "This won't"
 ---> Running in e4b31d0550cd
/bin/sh: /bin/bash: not found
The command '/bin/sh -c /bin/bash -c echo "This won't"' returned a non-zero
code: 127

ID of the temporary container Docker launched to run our instruction in.


ID of the image created from the container.


The temporary container is now deleted.

While, in this case, the problem is fairly clear from the error, we can run the image created from the last successful layer in order to debug the instruction. Note that we are using the last image ID here (85b49a851fcc), not the ID of the last container (e4b31d0550cd):

$ docker run -it 85b49a851fcc
/ # /bin/bash -c "echo hmm"
/bin/sh: /bin/bash: not found
/ # /bin/sh -c "echo ahh!"
/ #

And the problem becomes even more obvious: the busybox image doesn’t include the bash shell.


Docker also caches each layer in order to speed up the building of images. This caching is very important for efficient workflows, but is somewhat naive. The cache is used for an instruction if the previous instruction was found in the cache and there is a layer in the cache that has exactly the same instruction and parent layer (even spurious spaces will invalidate the cache).

Also, in the case of COPY and ADD instructions, the cache will be invalidated if the checksum or metadata for any of the files has changed.

This means that RUN instructions that are not guaranteed to have the same result across multiple invocations will still be cached. Be particularly aware of this if you download files, run apt-get update, or clone source repositories.

If you need to invalidate the cache, you can run docker build with the --no-cache argument. You can also add or change an instruction before the point where you want to invalidate the cache; and for this reason, you may sometimes see Dockerfiles with lines like this:

ENV UPDATED_ON "14:12 17 February 2015"
RUN git clone....

I would advise against using this technique, as it tends to confuse later users of the image, especially when the image was built on a different date than the line suggests.

Base Images

When creating your own images, you will need to decide which base image to start from. There are a lot of choices, and it’s worth taking the time to understand the various advantages and disadvantages of each.

The best case scenario is that you don’t need to create an image at all—you can just use an existing one and mount your configuration files and/or data into it. This is likely to be the case for common application software, such as databases and web servers, where there are official images available. In general, you are much better off using an official image than rolling your own—you get the benefit of other people’s work and experience in figuring out how best to run the software inside a container. If there is a particular reason an official image doesn’t work for you, consider opening an issue on the parent project, as it is likely others are facing similar problems or know of workarounds.

If you need an image to host your own application, first have a look to see if there is an official base image for the language or framework you are using (e.g., Go or Ruby on Rails). Often you can use separate images for building and distributing your software (e.g., you could use the java:jdk image to build a Java application but then distribute the resulting JAR file using the smaller java:jre image, which gets rid of the unnecessary build tooling). Similarly, some official images (such as node) have special “slim” builds that remove a lot of development tools and headers.

Sometimes you really just need a small but complete Linux distro. If I’m going for true minimalism, I’ll use the alpine image, which is only just over 5 MB in size but still has an extensive package manager for easily installing applications and tools. If I want a more complete image, I’ll normally use one of the debian images, which are much smaller than the also common ubuntu images but have access to the same packages. If your organization is tied to a particular distribution of Linux, you should also be able to find a Docker image for it. This may make more sense than moving to a new distribution that your organization doesn’t support or have experience with.

A lot of the time, it’s not necessary to go overboard with making sure images are as small as possible. Remember that base layers are shared between images, so if you already have the ubuntu:14.04 image and pull an image from the Hub that is based on it, you will only pull the changes rather than the full image. However, minimal images are definitely a big bonus when aiming for fast deploys and easy distribution.

It is possible to go ultra minimal and ship images with only binaries. To do this, write a Dockerfile that inherits from the special scratch image (a completely blank filesystem) and simply copies your binary in and sets an appropriate CMD instruction. Your binary will need to include all its required libraries (no dynamic linking) and have no possibility of calling external commands. In addition, remember the binary will need to be compiled for the architecture of the container, which may be different than the architecture of the machine running the Docker client.2

While the minimalist approach can be very tempting, note that it can leave you in a difficult situation when it comes to debugging and maintenance—busybox won’t have a lot tools to work with; and if you’ve used scratch, you won’t even have a shell.

Rebuilding Images

Note that when docker build is run, Docker will look at the FROM instruction and attempt to pull the image if it doesn’t exist locally. If it does exist, Docker will use that image without checking to see if there is a newer version available. This means that just doing a docker build isn’t enough to ensure your images are completely up to date; you also have to either explicitly docker pull all ancestor images or delete them in order to force the build command to download the latest versions.

This becomes very important when common base images, such as debian, are updated with security patches.

Dockerfile Instructions

This section briefly covers the various instructions available for use in Dockerfiles. It doesn’t go deep into details, partly because things are still changing and likely to quickly get out of date and partly because there is comprehensive and always up-to-date documentation available on the Docker website. Comments in Dockerfiles are indicated by starting the line with a #.

Exec Versus Shell Form

Several instructions (RUN, CMD, and ENTRYPOINT) take both a shell format and an exec format. The exec form takes a JSON array (e.g., ["executable", "param1", "param2"]) that assumes the first item is the name of an executable that is then executed with the remaining items as parameters. The shell format is a freeform string that will be interpreted by passing to /bin/sh -c. Use the exec form to avoid the shell munging strings or in cases where the image doesn’t have /bin/sh.

The following instructions are available in Dockerfiles:


Copies files from the build context or remote URLs into the image. If an archive file is added from a local path, it will automatically be unpacked. As the range of functionality covered by ADD is quite large, it’s generally best to prefer the simpler COPY command for copying files and directories in the build context and RUN instructions with curl or wget to download remote resources (which retains the possibility of processing and deleting the download in the same instruction).


Runs the given instruction when the container is started. If an ENTRYPOINT has been defined, the instruction will be interpreted as an argument to the ENTRYPOINT (in this case, make sure you use the exec format). The CMD instruction is overridden by any arguments to docker run after the image name. Only the last CMD instruction will have an effect, and any previous CMD instructions will be overridden (including those in base images).


Used to copy files from the build context into the image. It has two forms, COPY src dest_ and COPY ["src", "dest"], both of which copy the file or directory at src in the build context to dest inside the container. The JSON array format is required if the paths have spaces in them. Wildcards can be used to specify multiple files or directories. Note that you cannot specify src paths outside the build context (e.g., ../another_dir/myfile will not work).


Sets an executable (and default arguments) to be run when the container starts. Any CMD instructions or arguments to docker run after the image name will be passed as parameters to the executable. ENTRYPOINT instructions are often used to provide “starter” scripts that initialize variables and services before interpreting any given arguments.


Sets environment variables inside the image. These can be referred to in subsequent instructions. For example:

RUN apt-get install -y mypackage=$MY_VERSION

The variables will also be available inside the image.


Indicates to Docker that the container will have a process listening on the given port or ports. This information is used by Docker when linking containers (see “Linking Containers”) or publishing ports by supplying the -P argument to docker run; by itself the EXPOSE instruction will not affect networking.


Sets the base image for the Dockerfile; subsequent instructions build on top of this image. The base image is specified as IMAGE:TAG (e.g., debian:wheezy). If the tag is omitted, it is assumed to be latest, but I strongly recommend you always set the tag to a specific version to avoid surprises. Must be the first instruction in a Dockerfile.


Sets the “Author” metadata on the image to the given string. You can retrieve this with docker inspect -f {{.Author}} IMAGE. Normally used to set the name and contact details of the maintainer of the image.


Specifies an instruction to be executed later, when the image is used as the base layer to another image. This can be useful for processing data that will be added in a child image (e.g., the instruction may copy in code from a chosen directory and run a build script on the data).


Runs the given instruction inside the container and commits the result.


Sets the user (by name or UID) to use in any subsequent RUN, CMD, or ENTRYPOINT instructions. Note that UIDs are the same between the host and container, but usernames may be assigned to different UIDs, which can make things tricky when setting permissions.


Declares the specified file or directory to be a volume. If the file or directory already exists in the image, it will copied into the volume when the container is started. If multiple arguments are given, they are interpreted as multiple volume statements. You cannot specify the host directory for a volume inside a Dockerfile for portability and security reasons. For more information, see “Managing Data with Volumes and Data Containers”.


Sets the working directory for any subsequent RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, ADD, or COPY instructions. Can be used multiple times. Relative paths may be used and are resolved relative to the previous WORKDIR.

Connecting Containers to the World

Say you’re running a web server inside a container. How do you provide the outside world with access? The answer is to “publish” ports with the -p or -P commands. This command forwards ports on the host to the container. For example:

$ docker run -d -p 8000:80 nginx
$ curl localhost:8000
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>

The -p 8000:80 argument has told Docker to forward port 8000 on the host to port 80 in the container. Alternatively, the -P argument can be used to tell Docker to automatically select a free port to forward to on the host. For example:

$ ID=$(docker run -d -P nginx)
$ docker port $ID 80
$ curl localhost:32771
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>

The primary advantage of the -P command is that you are no longer responsible for keeping track of allocated ports, which becomes important if you have several containers publishing ports. In these cases, you can use the docker port command to discover the port allocated by Docker.

Linking Containers

Docker links are the simplest way to allow containers on the same host to talk to each other. When using the default Docker networking model, communication between containers will be over an internal Docker network, meaning communications are not exposed to the host network.

Docker Networking Changes

In future versions of Docker (likely 1.9 and up), the idiomatic way to network containers will be to “publish services,” rather than link containers. However, links will continue to be supported for the foreseeable future, and the examples in this book should work without changes.

For more information on the upcoming changes to networking, see “New Docker Networking”.

Links are initialized by giving the argument --link CONTAINER:ALIAS to docker run, where CONTAINER is the name of the link container3 and ALIAS is a local name used inside the master container to refer to the link container.

Using Docker links will also add the alias and the link container ID to /etc/hosts on the master container, allowing the link container to be addressed by name from the master container.

In addition, Docker will set a bunch of environment variables inside the master container that are designed to make it easy to talk to the link container. For example, if we create and link to a Redis container:

$ docker run -d --name myredis redis
$ docker run --link myredis:redis debian env

We can see that Docker has set up environment variables prefixed with REDIS_PORT that contain information on how to connect to the container. Most of these seem somewhat redundant, as the information in the value is already contained in the variable name. Nevertheless, they are useful as a form of documentation if nothing else.

Docker has also imported environment variables from the linked container, which it has prefixed with REDIS_ENV. While this functionality can be very useful, it’s important to be aware that this happens if you use environment variables to store secrets such as API tokens or database passwords.

By default, containers will be able to talk to each other whether or not they have been explicitly linked. If you want to prevent containers that haven’t been linked from communicating, use the arguments --icc=false and --iptables when starting the Docker daemon. Now when containers are linked, Docker will set up iptables rules to allow the containers to communicate on any ports that have been declared as exposed.

Unfortunately, Docker links as they stand have several shortcomings. Perhaps most significantly, they are static—although links should survive container restarts, they aren’t updated if the linked container is replaced. Also, the link container must be started before the master container, meaning you can’t have bidirectional links.

For further information on networking containers, see Chapter 11.

Managing Data with Volumes and Data Containers

To recap, Docker volumes are directories4 that are not part of the container’s UFS (see “Images, Containers, and the Union File System”)—they are just normal directories on the host that are bind mounted (see Bind Mounting) into the container.

There are three5 different ways to initialize volumes, and it’s important to understand the differences between the methods. First, we can declare a volume at runtime with the -v flag:

$ docker run -it --name container-test -h CONTAINER -v /data debian /bin/bash
root@CONTAINER:/# ls /data

This will make the directory /data inside the container into a volume. Any files the image held inside the /data directory will be copied into the volume. We can find out where the volume lives on the host by running docker inspect on the host from a new shell:

$ docker inspect -f {{.Mounts}} container-test
[{5cad... /mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/volumes/5cad.../_data /data local  true}]

In this case, the volume /data/ in the container is simply a link to the directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/5cad…/_data on the host. To prove this, we can add a file into the directory on the host:6

$ sudo touch /var/lib/docker/volumes/5cad.../_data/test-file

And you should immediately be able to see from inside the container:

root@CONTAINER:/# ls /data

The second way to set up a volume is by using the VOLUME instruction in a Dockerfile:

FROM debian:wheezy
VOLUME /data

This has exactly the same effect as specifying -v /data to docker run.

The third7 way is to extend the -v argument to docker run with an explicit directory to bind to on the host using the format -v HOST_DIR:CONTAINER_DIR. This can’t be done from a Dockerfile (it would be nonportable and a security risk). For example:

$ docker run -v /home/adrian/data:/data debian ls /data

This will mount the directory /home/adrian/data on the host as /data inside the container. Any files already existing in the /home/adrian/data directory will be available inside the container. If the /data directory already exists in the container, its contents will be hidden by the volume. Unlike the other invocations, no files from the image will be copied into the volume, and the volume won’t be deleted by Docker (i.e., docker rm -v will not remove a volume that is mounted at a user-chosen directory).

Bind Mounting

When a specific host directory is used in a volume (the -v HOST_DIR:CONTAINER_DIR syntax), it is often referred to as bind mounting. This is somewhat misleading, as all volumes are technically bind mounted—the difference is that the mount point is made explicit rather than hidden in a directory owned by Docker.

Sharing Data

The -v HOST_DIR:CONTAINER_DIR syntax is very useful for sharing files between the host and one or more containers. For example, configuration files can be kept on the host and mounted into containers built from generic images.

We can also share data between containers by using the --volumes-from CONTAINER argument with docker run. For example, we can create a new container that has access to the volumes from the container in our previous example like so:

$ docker run -it -h NEWCONTAINER --volumes-from container-test debian /bin/bash
root@NEWCONTAINER:/# ls /data

It’s important to note that this works whether or not the container holding the volumes (container-test, in this case) is currently running. As long as at least one existing container links to a volume, it won’t be deleted.

Data Containers

A common practice is to create data containers—containers whose sole purpose is to share data between other containers. The main benefit of this approach is that it provides a handy namespace for volumes that can be easily loaded using the --volumes-from command.

For example, we can create a data container for a PostgreSQL database with the following command:

$ docker run --name dbdata postgres echo "Data-only container for postgres"

This will create a container from the postgres image and initialize any volumes defined in the image before running the echo command and exiting.8 There’s no need to leave data containers running, as doing so would just be a waste of resources.

We can then use this volume from other containers with the --volumes-from argument. For example:

$ docker run -d --volumes-from dbdata --name db1 postgres

Images for Data Containers

There’s normally no need to use a “minimal image” such as busybox or scratch for the data container. Just use the same image that is used for the container consuming the data. For example, use the postgres image to create a data container to be used with the Postgres database.

Using the same image doesn’t take up any extra space—you must already have downloaded or created the image for the consumer. It also gives the image a chance to seed the container with any initial data and ensures permissions are set up correctly.

Deleting volumes

Volumes are deleted only if:

  • The container was deleted with docker rm -v, or

  • The --rm flag was provided to docker run


  • No existing container links to the volume

  • No host directory was specified for the volume (the -v HOST_DIR:CONTAINER_DIR syntax was not used)

At the moment, this means that unless you are very careful about always running your containers like this, you are likely to have orphan files and directories in your Docker installation directory and no easy way of telling what they represent. Docker is working on a top-level “volume” command that will allow you to list, create, inspect, and remove volumes independent of containers. This is expected to land in 1.9, which should be out by the time this book is published.

Common Docker Commands

This section gives a brief (at least in comparison to the official documentation) and nonexhaustive overview of the various Docker commands, focusing on the commands commonly used on a day-to-day basis. Because Docker is rapidly changing and evolving, refer to the official documentation on the Docker website for full and up-to-date details on a given command. I have not specified in detail the arguments and syntax of the various commands (with the exception of docker run). Refer to the built-in help for this, which can be accessed by giving the --help argument to any command or via the docker help command.

Docker Boolean Flags

In most Unix command-line tools, you will find flags that don’t take a value, such as -l in ls -l. Because these flags are either set or not set, Docker considers these to be boolean flags and—unlike most other tools—supports explicitly supplying a boolean value flag (i.e., it will accept both -f=true and -f). In addition (and this is where things get confusing), you can have both default true and default false flags. Unlike default false, default true flags are considered to be set if unspecified. Specifying a flag without an argument has the same effect as setting it to true—a default true flag is not unset by an argument with a value; the only way a default true flag can be unset is by explicitly setting it to false (e.g., -f=false).

To find out if a flag is default true or default false, refer to docker help for the command. For example:

$ docker logs --help
  -f, --follow=false        Follow log output
  --help=false              Print usage
  -t, --timestamps=false    Show timestamps

shows that the -f, --help, and -t arguments are all default false.

To give a couple of concrete examples, consider the default true --sig-proxy argument to docker run. The only way to turn this argument off is by explicitly setting it false. For example:

$ docker run --sig-proxy=false ...

All of the following are equivalent:

$ docker run --sig-proxy=true ...
$ docker run --sig-proxy ...
$ docker run ...

In the case of a default false argument, such as --read-only, the following will set it to true:

$ docker run --read-only=true
$ docker run --read-only

Leaving it unspecified or explicitly setting to false are equivalent.

This also leads to some quirky behavior with flags that normally short-circuit logic (e.g., docker ps --help=false will work as normal without printing the help message).

The run Command

We’ve already seen docker run in action; it’s the go-to command for launching new containers. As such, it is by far the most complex command and supports a large list of potential arguments. The arguments allow users to configure how the image is run, override Dockerfile settings, configure networking, and set privileges and resources for the container.

The following options control the lifecycle of the container and its basic mode of operation:

-a, --attach

Attaches the given stream (STDOUT, etc.) to the terminal. If unspecified, both stdout and stderr are attached. If unspecified and the container is started in interactive mode (-i), stdin is also attached.

Incompatible with -d

-d, --detach

Runs the container in “detached” mode. The command will run the container in the background and return the container ID.

-i, --interactive

Keeps stdin open (even when it’s not attached). Generally used with -t to start an interactive container session. For example:

$ docker run -it debian /bin/bash
root@bd0f26f928bb:/# ls

Configures when Docker will attempt to restart an exited container. The argument no will never attempt to restart a container, and always will always try to restart, regardless of exit status. The on-failure argument will attempt to restart containers that exit with a nonzero status and can take an optional argument specifying the number of times to attempt to restart before giving up (if not specified, it will retry forever). For example, docker run --restart on-failure:10 postgres will launch the postgres container and attempt to restart it 10 times if it exits with a nonzero code.


Automatically removes the container when it exits. Cannot be used with -d.

-t, --tty

Allocates a pseudo-TTY. Normally used with -i to start an interactive container.

The following options allow setting of container names and variables:

-e, --env

Sets environment variables inside the container. For example:

$ docker run -e var1=val -e var2="val 2" debian env
var2=val 2

Also note the --env-file option for passing variables in via a file.

-h, --hostname

Sets the container’s Unix hostname to NAME. For example:

$ docker run -h "myhost" debian hostname
--name NAME

Assigns the name NAME to the container. The name can then be used to address the container in other Docker commands.

The following options allow the user to set up volumes (see “Managing Data with Volumes and Data Containers” for more details):

-v, --volume

There are two forms of the argument to set up a volume (a file or directory within a container that is part of the native host filesystem, not the container’s union filesystem). The first form only specifies the directory within the container and will bind to a host directory of Docker’s choosing. The second form specifies the host directory to bind to.


Mounts volumes from the specified container. Often used in association with data containers (see “Data Containers”).

There are several options affecting networking. The basic commands you can expect to frequently use are:


Equivalent of Dockerfile EXPOSE instruction. Identifies the port or port range as being used in the container but does not open the port. Only really makes sense in association with -P and when linking containers.


Sets up a private network interface to the specified container. See “Linking Containers” for more information.

-p, --publish

“Publishes” a port on the container, making it accessible from the host. If the host port is not defined, a random high-numbered port will chosen, which can be discovered by using the docker port command. The host interface on which to expose the port may also be specified.

-P, --publish-all

Publish all exposed ports on the container to the host. A random high-numbered port will be chosen for each exposed port. The docker port command can be used to see the mapping.

There are several more advanced options you may find useful if you need to do more advanced networking. Be aware that several of these options will require you to have some understanding of networking and how it is implemented in Docker. For more information, refer to Chapter 11.

The docker run command also has a large set of options for controlling the privileges and capabilities of containers. See Chapter 13 for details on these.

The following options directly override Dockerfile settings:


Sets the entrypoint for the container to the given argument, overriding any ENTRYPOINT instruction in the Dockerfile.

-u, --user

Sets the user that commands are run under. May be specified as a username or UID. Overrides USER instruction in Dockerfile.

-w, --workdir

Sets the working directory in the container to the provided path. Overrides any value in the Dockerfile.

Managing Containers

In addition to docker run, the following docker commands are used to manage containers during their lifecycle:

docker attach [OPTIONS] CONTAINER

The attach command allows the user to view or interact with the main process inside the container. For example:

$ ID=$(docker run -d debian sh -c "while true; do echo 'tick'; sleep 1; done;")
$ docker attach $ID

Note that using Ctrl-C to quit will end the process and cause the container to exit.

docker create

Creates a container from an image but does not start it. Takes most of the same arguments as docker run. To start the container, use docker start.

docker cp

Copies files and directories between a container and the host.

docker exec

Runs a command inside a container. Can be used to perform maintenance tasks or as a replacement for ssh to log in to a container.

For example:

$ ID=$(docker run -d debian sh -c "while true; do sleep 1; done;")
$ docker exec $ID echo "Hello"
$ docker exec -it $ID /bin/bash
root@5c6c32041d68:/# ls
bin   dev  home  lib64  mnt  proc  run   selinux  sys  usr
boot  etc  lib   media  opt  root  sbin  srv    tmp  var
root@5c6c32041d68:/# exit
docker kill

Sends a signal to the main process (PID 1) in a container. By default, sends a SIGKILL, which will cause the container to exit immediately. Alternatively, the signal can be specified with the -s argument. The container ID is returned.

For example:

$ ID=$(docker run -d debian bash -c \
     "trap 'echo caught' SIGTRAP; while true; do sleep 1; done;")
$ docker kill -s SIGTRAP $ID
$ docker logs $ID
$ docker kill $ID
docker pause

Suspends all processes inside the given container. The processes do not receive any signal that they are being suspended and consequently cannot shut down or clean up. The processes can be restarted with docker unpause. docker pause uses the Linux cgroups freezer functionality internally. This command contrasts with docker stop, which stops the processes and sends signals observable by the processes.

docker restart

Restarts one or more containers. Roughly equivalent to calling docker stop followed by docker start on the containers. Takes an optional argument -t that specifies the amount of time to wait for the container to shut down before it is killed with a SIGTERM.

docker rm

Removes one or more containers. Returns the names or IDs of successfully deleted containers. By default, docker rm will not remove any volumes. The -f argument can be used to remove running containers, and the -v argument will remove volumes created by the container (as long as they aren’t bind mounted or in use by another container).

For example, to delete all stopped containers:

$ docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
docker start

Starts a stopped container (or containers). Can be used to restart a container that has exited or to start a container that has been created with docker create but never launched.

docker stop

Stops (but does not remove) one or more containers. After calling docker stop on a container, it will transition to the “exited” state. Takes an optional argument -t which specifies the amount of time to wait for the container to shutdown before it is killed with a SIGTERM.

docker unpause

Restarts a container previously paused with docker pause.

Detaching from Containers

When attached to a Docker container, either by starting it in interactive mode or attaching to it with docker attach, you will stop the container if you try to disconnect with Ctrl-C. Instead, if you use Ctrl-P Ctrl-Q you can detach from the container without stopping it.

This code will only work when attached in interactive mode with a TTY (i.e., using both the -i and -t flags).

Docker Info

The following subcommands can be used to get more information on the Docker installation and usage:

docker info

Prints various information on the Docker system and host.

docker help

Prints usage and help information for the given subcommand. Identical to running a command with the --help flag.

docker version

Prints Docker version information for client and server as well as the version of Go used in compilation.

Container Info

The following commands provide more information on running and stopped containers:

docker diff

Shows changes made to the containers filesystem compared to the image it was launched from. For example:

$ ID=$(docker run -d debian touch /NEW-FILE)
$ docker diff $ID
docker events

Prints real-time events from the daemon. Use Ctrl-C to quit. For more information on this, see Chapter 10.

docker inspect

Provides detailed information on given containers or images. The information includes most configuration information and covers network settings and volume mappings. The command can take one argument, -f, which is used to supply a Go template that can be used to format and filter the output.

docker logs

Outputs the “logs” for a container. This is simply everything that has been written to STDERR or STDOUT inside the container. For more information on logging in Docker, see Chapter 10.

docker port

Lists the exposed port mappings for the given container. Can optionally be given the internal container port and protocol to look up. Often used after docker run -P <image> to discover the assigned ports.

For example:

$ ID=$(docker run -P -d redis)
$ docker port $ID
6379/tcp ->
$ docker port $ID 6379
$ docker port $ID 6379/tcp
docker ps

Provides high-level information on current containers, such as the name, ID, and status. Takes a lot of different arguments, notably -a for getting all containers, not just running ones. Also note the -q argument, which only returns the container IDs and is very useful as input to other commands such as docker rm.

docker top

Provides information on the running processes inside a given container. In effect, this command runs the Unix ps utility on the host and filters for processes in the given container. The command can be given the same arguments the ps utility and defaults to -ef (but be careful to make sure the PID field is still in the output).

For example:

$ ID=$(docker run -d redis)
$ docker top $ID
999   9243  1836  0  15:44  ?    00:00:00  redis-server *:6379
$ ps -f -u 999
999  9243  1836  0  15:44  ?     00:00:00  redis-server *:6379
$ docker top $ID -axZ
docker-default  9243  ?    Ssl    0:00  redis-server *:6379

Dealing with Images

The following commands provide tools for creating and working with images:

docker build

Builds an image from a Dockerfile. See “Building Images from Dockerfiles” and “How Images Get Built” for details on usage.

docker commit

Creates an image from the specified container. While docker commit can be useful, it is generally preferable to create images using docker build, which is easily repeatable. By default, containers are paused prior to commit, but this can be turned off with the --pause=false argument. Takes -a and -m arguments for setting metadata.

For example:

$ ID=$(docker run -d redis touch /new-file)
$ docker commit -a "Joe Bloggs" -m "Comment" $ID commit:test
$ docker images commit
commit      test  ac479108b0fa  About a minute ago   111 MB
$ docker run commit:test ls /new-file
docker export

Exports the contents of the container’s filesystem as a tar archive on STDOUT. The resulting archive can be loaded with docker import. Note that only the filesystem is exported; any metadata such as exported ports, CMD, and ENTRYPOINT settings will be lost. Also note that any volumes are not included in the export. Contrast with docker save.

docker history

Outputs information on each of the layers in an image.

docker images

Provides a list of local images, including information such as repository name, tag name, and size. By default, intermediate images (used in the creation of top-level images) are not shown. The VIRTUAL SIZE is the total size of the image including all underlying layers. As these layers may be shared with other images, simply adding up the size of all images does not provide an accurate estimate of disk usage. Also, images will appear multiple times if they have more than one tag; different images can be discerned by comparing the ID. Takes several arguments; in particular, note -q, which only returns the image IDs and is useful as input to other commands such as docker rmi.

For example:

$ docker images | head -4
identidock_identidock   latest  9fc66b46a2e6  26 hours ago  839.8 MB
redis                   latest  868be653dea3  6 days ago    110.8 MB
containersol/pres-base  latest  13919d434c95  2 weeks ago   401.8 MB

To remove all dangling images:

$ docker rmi $(docker images -q -f dangling=true)
Deleted: a9979d5ace9af55a562b8436ba66a1538357bc2e0e43765b406f2cf0388fe062
docker import

Creates an image from an archive file containing a filesystem, such as that created by docker export. The archive may be identified by a file path or URL or streamed through STDIN (by using the - flag). Returns the ID of the newly created image. The image can be tagged by supplying a repository and tag name. Note that an image built from import will only consist of a single layer and will lose Docker configuration settings such as exposed ports and CMD values. Contrast with docker load.

Example of “flattening” an image by exporting and importing:

$ docker export 35d171091d78 | docker import - flatten:test
$ docker history flatten:test
981804b0c2b2  59 seconds ago              317.7 MB  Imported from -
docker load

Loads a repository from a tar archive passed via STDIN. The repository may contain several images and tags. Unlike docker import, the images will include history and metadata. Suitable archive files are created by docker save, making save and load a viable alternative to registries for distributing images and producing backups. See docker save for an example.

docker rmi

Deletes the given image or images. Images are specified by ID or repository and tag name. If a repository name is supplied but no tag name, the tag is assumed to be latest. To delete images that exist in multiple repositories, specify that image by ID and use the -f argument. You will need to run this once per repository.

docker save

Saves the named images or repositories to a tar archive, which is streamed to STDOUT (use -o to write to a file). Images can be specified by ID or as repository:tag. If only a repository name is given, all images in that repository will be saved to the archive, not just the latest tag. Can be used in conjunction with docker load to distribute or back up images.

For example:

$ docker save -o /tmp/redis.tar redis:latest
$ docker rmi redis:latest
Untagged: redis:latest
Deleted: 868be653dea3ff6082b043c0f34b95bb180cc82ab14a18d9d6b8e27b7929762c
$ docker load -i /tmp/redis.tar
$ docker images redis
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED
redis               latest              0f3059144681        3 months ago
111 MB
docker tag

Associates a repository and tag name with an image. The image can identified by ID or repository and tag (the latest tag is assumed if none is given). If no tag is given for the new name, latest is assumed.

For example:

$ docker tag faa2b75ce09a newname 1
$ docker tag newname:latest amouat/newname 2
$ docker tag newname:latest amouat/newname:newtag 3
$ docker tag newname:latest 4

Adds the image with ID faa2b75ce09a to the repository newname, using the tag latest, as none was specified.


Adds the newname:latest image to the amouat/newname repository, again using the tag latest. This label is in a format suitable for pushing to the Docker Hub, assuming the user is amouat.


As above, except using the tag newtag instead of latest.


Adds the newname:latest image to the repository with the tag newtag. This label is in a format suitable for pushing to a registry at

Using the Registry

The following commands relate to using registries, including the Docker Hub. Be aware that Docker saves credentials to the file .dockercfg in your home directory:

docker login

Register with, or log in to, the given registry server. If no server is specified, it is assumed to be the Docker Hub. The process will interactively ask for details if required, or they can be supplied as arguments.

docker logout

Logs out from a Docker registry. If no server is specified, it is assumed to be the Docker Hub.

docker pull

Downloads the given image from a registry. The registry is determined by the image name and defaults to the Docker Hub. If no tag name is given, the image tagged latest will be downloaded (if available). Use the -a argument to download all images from a repository.

docker push

Pushes an image or repository to the registry. If no tag is given, this will push all images in the repository to the registry, not just the one marked latest.

docker search

Prints a list of public repositories on the Docker Hub matching the search term. Limits results to 25 repositories. You can also filter by stars and automated builds. In general, it’s easiest to use the website.


There has been a lot of information in this chapter! If you even just managed to skim the main points, you should have a reasonably broad understanding of how Docker works and the main commands. In Part II, we will see how to apply this knowledge to a software project, from development through to production. You may find it easier to understand some of the material in this chapter after seeing it in practice.

1 Don’t worry if I’ve lost you here. It should make more sense after looking at the output of docker build in our debug example.

2 It’s actually possible to take this concept of minimal computing even further by abandoning Docker and the full Linux kernel in favor of a unikernel approach. In a unikernel architecture, applications are combined with a kernel containing only the features used by the application, which is then run directly on a hypervisor. This gets rid of several unnecessary layers of code and unused drivers, resulting in a much smaller and faster application (unikernels commonly boot in under a second—that is, they can be started in direct response to user requests). If you’d like to learn more about this, take a look at “Unikernels: Rise of the Virtual Library Operating System” by Anil Madhavapeddy and David J. Scott and MirageOS.

3 In this discussion and throughout the book, I will refer to the container being linked as the link container and the container being launched as the master container (as it is responsible for initiating the link).

4 Technically, directories or files, as a volume may be a single file.

5 OK, two-and-a-half, depending on how you want to count.

6 If you’re connected to a remote Docker daemon, you’ll need to run this on the remote host via SSH. If you’re using Docker Machine (which you will be if you installed Docker via the Docker Toolbox), you can do this via docker-machine ssh default.

7 Second equal?

8 We could have used any command that exits immediately here, but the echo message will serve to remind us of the purpose of the container when we run docker ps -a. Another option is not to start the container at all by using the docker create command instead of docker run.

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