Appendix C. Configure Options

As we explained in Chapter 2, the configure program is run before the Samba source code is compiled to adapt the build process to the local architecture. At this stage, it is possible to specify options to customize Samba’s behavior further and include or exclude features. Here is an example of specifying configure options:

$ ./configure --prefix 
=/opt/samba --with-acl-support

This example specification configures the Samba installation to install in /opt/samba rather than the default of /usr/local/samba and to include support for filesystem ACLs. We have picked these two configure options because they illustrate the usage of the two types of options that are included in versions up to Samba 3.0. The --with-acl-support option is a Boolean option, which can take a value of yes or no. If you want to be more explicit, you can specify --with-acl-support=yes. To turn an option off explicitly, you can also specify --without- feature rather than --with- feature =no.

Options such as --prefix are following by an equal sign (=) and one or more arguments. In this case, we are specifying a directory to be used as the software’s install root.

The supported configure options vary from release to release. To get a list of the configure options for your release, use the following command:

$ ./configure --help

Table C-1 lists the configure options found in the 3.0.22 release.

Table C-1. Configuration options

Configuration option



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