Computer Arithmetic Design Using Verilog HDL

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Fixed-Point Addition

4.3 Fixed-Point Subtraction

4.4 Fixed-Point Multiplication

4.5 Fixed-Point Division

4.6 Arithmetic and Logic Unit

4.7 Decimal Addition

4.8 Decimal Subtraction

4.9 Decimal Multiplication

4.10 Decimal Division

4.11 Floating-Point Addition

4.12 Floating-Point Subtraction

4.13 Floating-Point Multiplication

4.14 Floating-Point Division

4.15 Problems

4.1 Introduction


This chapter provides techniques for designing different types of adders, subtractors, multipliers, and dividers using Verilog HDL. The number representations that will be used are fixed-point, binary-coded decimal (BCD), and floating-point. For fixed-point addition, the radix point is placed to ...

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