Add Navigation to Your Site

Most web sites include some type of navigation bar that lets users move from one page to another. In ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1, it's easy enough to create these navigation controls, but you need to do so by hand. In ASP.NET 2.0, a new sitemap feature offers a much more convenient pre-built solution. The basic principle is that you define the structure of your web site in a special XML file. Once you've taken that step, you can configure a list or tree control to use the sitemap data—giving you a clickable navigation control with no code required.


ASP. NET 2.0 provides new navigation features that let you create a sitemap and bind it to different controls.

How do I do that?

The first step in using ASP.NET's new sitemap feature is to define the structure of your web site in an XML file named web.sitemap. To add this file to your site in Visual Studio, right-click the Solution Explorer and select Add New Item. Select the Site Map file type and click Add.

The first ingredient you need in the web.sitemap file is the root <siteMap> tag:


In the <siteMap> tag, you add one <siteMapNode> child element for each entry you want to show in the sitemap. You can then give a title, description, and URL link for each entry using attributes. Here's an example:

<siteMapNode title="Home" description="Home Page" url="default.aspx" />

Notice that this tag ends with the characters /> instead of just >. This indicates that it's an empty element—in other words, it doesn't contain any other elements. However, if you want to build a multi-level sitemap, you have to nest one <siteMapNode> element inside another. Here's an example:

<siteMapNode title="Home" description="Home Page" url="default.aspx" >
    <siteMapNode title="Products" 
      description="Order Products" url="produ.aspx" />

Example 4-5 shows a sitemap with six links in three levels.

Example 4-5. A multi-level sitemap

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <siteMapNode title="Home" description="Home" url="default.aspx">
    <siteMapNode title="Personal" description="Personal Services" 
      <siteMapNode title="Resume" description="Download Resume" 
       url="resume.aspx" />
    <siteMapNode title="Business" description="Business Services"
      <siteMapNode title="Products" description="Order Products" 
       url="products.aspx" />
      <siteMapNode title="Contact Us" description="Contact Information"
       url="contact.aspx" />

Once you create a sitemap, it's easy to use it on a web page, thanks to the new SiteMapDataSource control. This control works much like the other data source controls discussed in "Bind to Data Without Writing Code." However, it doesn't require any properties at all. Once you add the SiteMapDataSource, ASP.NET automatically reads the web.sitemap file and makes its data available to your other controls:

<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="SiteMapDataSource1" Runat="server" />

Now you can bind just about any other control to the SiteMapDataSource. Because sitemaps are, by default, hierarchical, they work particularly well with the new TreeView control. Here's a TreeView control that binds to the sitemap data:

<asp:TreeView ID="TreeView1" Runat="server" DataSourceID="SiteMapDataSource1" 
  Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="Black" ImageSet="BulletedList"
  Width="149px" Height="132px">

The resulting TreeView doesn't just show the sitemap, it also renders each node as a hyperlink that, if clicked, sends the user to the appropriate page. Figure 4-11 shows a content page that's based on a master page that uses a TreeView with a sitemap. (Refer to the lab "Achieve a Consistent Look and Feel with Master Pages" for more information about master pages.)

Using a sitemap in a master page

Figure 4-11. Using a sitemap in a master page

What about...

...customizing the sitemap? There's a lot more you can do to control the look of a site as well as its behavior. Here are some starting points:

Show a sitemap in a non-hierarchical control

Controls like the ListBox and GridView don't support the sitemap's tree-based view. To solve this problem, set the SiteMapDataSource.SiteMapViewType property to Flat instead of Tree so that the multi-layered sitemap is flattened into a single-level list. You can also use the Flat option with a TreeView to save screen real estate (because subsequent levels won't be indented).

Vary the sitemap displayed in different pages

To accomplish this, put all the sitemap information you need into the same web.sitemap file, but in different branches. Then, set the SiteMapDataSource.StartingNodeUrl to the URL of the page you want to use as the root of your sitemap. The SiteMapDataSource will only get the data from that node, and all the nodes it contains.

Make the sitemap collapsible

If you have a large sitemap, just set the TreeView.ShowExpandCollapse to True, and the familiar plus boxes will appear next to Home, Personal, and Business, allowing you to show just part of the sitemap at a time.

Fine-tune the appearance of the TreeView

It's remarkably easy. In the previous example, the TreeView used the bullet style, which shows different bullet icons next to each item. By setting the TreeView.ImageSet to different values available within the TreeViewImageSet enumeration, you can show square bullets, arrows, folder and file icons, and much more. For even more information about tweaking the TreeView (or using it in other scenarios that don't involve sitemaps), look up the reference for the System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView class.

Retrieve the sitemap information from another location

Maybe you want to store your sitemap in a different file, a database, or some other data source. Unfortunately, the SiteMapProvider doesn't have the ability to retrieve information from these locations—at least not yet. Instead, you'll need to create your own custom sitemap provider. Refer to the MSDN help under the index entry "site map."

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