9/11 4, 45

activism 135

Adams, Eddie 20

Addario, Lynsey 117118

“administrative evil” 91

advertising: cartoons 78; Lange interview 142149; public relations 5657, 5961

advocacy documentaries 3839, 134137

Ahva, L. 49

alternative facts 106109

amateur photography see citizen journalism

analysis see Systematic Ethical Analysis

animal rights 142149

Appelbaum, Y. 60

Arab Spring 106

archaeology 63, 6667

Aristippus 9

Aristotle 9, 57; see also golden mean


art movements 67

audio editing 123

augmented reality (AR) 9495, 96

authenticity: image manipulation 4, 26; TARES 53, 54, 145146

awards: cartoons 74; citizen journalism 4246; Özbilici, Burham 132; public service announcements 59

Bahadur, N. 61

Bailenson, Jeremy 127

Baker, ...

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