20 Soft-Error Resilient Circuit Design
Chia-Hsiang Chen, Phil Knag and Zhengya Zhang
20.2 Engineering of Circuit Nodes
20.3 Dual Interlocked Storage Cell
20.4 Soft-Error Hardened Latch
20.5 Built-In Soft-Error Resilience
20.6 Temporal Redundancy Techniques
20.7 Razor: Double Sampling Sequential Circuits
20.8 Confidence-Driven Computing
20.9 Error Resilient System Architecture for Probabilistic Applications
20.10 Commercial Applications of Error Resilient Circuit Designs
20.1 Introduction
Soft errors are nondestructive, nonpermanent, and nonrecurring errors. They were first observed in dynamic random-access memory due to α particles emitted by lead-based package in the 1970s [1]. Neutrons ...
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