

A&B rolls, 361–362

Academy Aperture, 40, 165

Action overlapping, 86

Active lines, 175

Actors, see Talent

Adaptation, 141

ADC, see Analog-to-digital converter

Added value sound, 430

ADR, see Automatic dialogue replacement

AIFF, see Audio Interchange File Format

Alekan, Henri, 223, 251

Alien, 293

Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, 48, 69, 237–238

Allen, Woody, 47, 67, 157

Almendros, Néstor, 238, 286

Ambience, 440

Ambient sound, 58, 107, 298, 422, 424–425

Amplitude, sound, 296

Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

digital sound recording, 302

digital video camcorder, 190

Anderson, Kelly, 344

Annie Hall, 47

Answer print, 364

Anti-halation backing, 155, 158


f-stop ring, 201–203

f-stop scale, 201–202

iris, 201

lens speed, 203

T-stops, 203

Aperture ...

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