

aberration, lens 136, 138

accelerators 500

acid 499

acid fixer 36, 500, 504

acuity 7

acutance 139, 259

additive color system 159

adjust film development 198, 199, 243, 255

adjust print contrast 243, 299

after-treatment, negative 204

agitation, film development 196

Airy disc 137

alkaline fixer 36, 504

alternative processes 380

anatomy, human brain 8

anatomy, human eye 7

angle of view 151, 413

aperture accuracy 416

aperture values 491

archival framing 81

archival limits 39, 45, 201

archival mounting 57

archival processing 35, 194

archival research 51

archival storage 167

archival testing 38, 46, 50, 202

archival toning 39, 200

archival washing 45, 201, 451

arithmetic timing 24, 491

artistic evolution 15

ASA film speed 215

average gradient ...

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