
Note: Page numbers followed by “f,” “t,” and “b” refer to figures, tables, and boxes, respectively.

0-9 and symbols

1/f noise, See Flicker noise
1-nearest-neighbor (1-NN) approach, 387
1-Rule (1R), 386
4-cole-cole model, 258


Absorption and molar extinction coefficients, of biological tissue constituents, 111, 111f
Accelerometers, 11, 86–88, 93, 136, 597
angular, 498
-based devices, 136–137
linear, 498
miniature, 599
piezoelectric, 87
tri-axial, 389–390
Accuracy, 494
AC-DC converters, 251–253
Actigraph, 136–137
Active interactions, with wearable system, 33, 33
Active matrix for organic light emitting diodes (AMOLED) technology, 204
Active power, 235–236
Active sensory test, 58–59
Active/passive wearables, 8–9
ActiveBelt, 48–49
Activity ...

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