What's Needed for This Book

This section shows you how to download and install our example database, all of the book code examples, the sample online winestore application, and the additional packages that are used throughout the book.

Installing PEAR Packages

The following optional PEAR package is required:


This is needed to work with Chapter 7 and all later chapters.

Detailed instructions to install optional packages can be found in Chapter 7. You'll also find a discussion there about how to find about, install, and upgrade packages.

In brief, to install and upgrade the packages you need for this book do the following:

  1. Log in as the root user.

  2. If you're not already, connect to the Internet.

  3. Type the following to install the optional package:

    %pear install HTML_Template_IT
  4. Type the following to check if upgrades of the core packages used in this book are available:

    %pear upgrade PEAR
    % pear upgrade Date
    % pear upgrade DB
    % pear upgrade Mail

Installing the Code Examples

The example PHP scripts in this book are available from our book's web site, http://www.webdatabasebook.com. In this section, we show you how to install them for use on your machine. The winestore application isn't installed in this section; see Section A.6.5 for instructions.

We assume you've already followed the instructions in this chapter to install MySQL, PHP, and Apache. We also assume you've installed these tools in the locations we recommend; if you haven't, replace the directory /usr/local/apache2/htdocs ...

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