Standard Color Names
In HTML 4.01, XHTML, CSS 1, and CSS 2, there are only 16 valid color names. They are listed in Table D-3 with their equivalent RGB values.
Table D-3. Valid color names and equivalent RGB values
Color name |
RGB value |
Color name |
RGB value |
black |
#000000 |
green |
#008000 |
silver |
#C0C0C0 |
lime |
#00FF00 |
gray |
#808080 |
olive |
#808000 |
white |
yellow |
#FFFF00 |
maroon |
#800000 |
navy |
#000080 |
red |
#FF0000 |
blue |
#0000FF |
purple |
#800080 |
teal |
#008080 |
fuchsia |
#FF00FF |
aqua |
#00FFFF |
CSS 2.1 adds orange
for a total of 17 supported colors.
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