CSS Extended Color Names
Many browsers have historically supported a set of 140 nonstandard color names originally developed for the X Window System. These color names have finally been standardized in the CSS 3 Color Module (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color). Be aware that not all browsers support all of these colors (or all spellings of gray versus grey), and thus you should use the equivalent numerical color values instead. They are included here in the interest of thoroughness and historical value.
The complete list appears in Table D-4, sorted alphabetically with their numerical values.
Table D-4. Nonstandard color names with their numeric values
Color name |
RGB values |
Hexadecimal |
aliceblue |
240 - 248 - 255 |
F0F8FF |
antiquewhite |
250 - 235 - 215 |
aqua |
0 - 255 - 255 |
00FFFF |
aquamarine |
127 - 255 - 212 |
7FFFD4 |
azure |
240 - 255 - 255 |
beige |
245 - 245 - 220 |
F5F5DC |
bisque |
255 - 228 - 196 |
FFE4C4 |
black |
0 - 0 - 0 |
000000 |
blanchedalmond |
255 - 235 - 205 |
blue |
0 - 0 - 255 |
0000FF |
blueviolet |
138 - 43 - 226 |
8A2BE2 |
brown |
165 - 42 - 42 |
A52A2A |
burlywood |
222 - 184 - 135 |
DEB887 |
cadetblue |
95 - 158 - 160 |
5F9EA0 |
chartreuse |
127 - 255 - 0 |
7FFF00 |
chocolate |
210 - 105 - 30 |
D2691E |
coral |
255 - 127 - 80 |
FF7F50 |
cornflowerblue |
100 - 149 - 237 |
6495ED |
cornsilk |
255 - 248 - 220 |
crimson |
220 - 20 - 60 |
DC143C |
cyan |
0 - 255 - 255 |
00FFFF |
darkblue |
0 - 0 - 139 |
00008B |
darkcyan |
0 - 139 - 139 |
008B8B |
darkgoldenrod |
184 - 134 - 11 |
B8860B ... |
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