Color Values
The value of the color
property is any of the valid color types and system colors. Here’s a refresher.
RGB colors can be specified in any of the following formats:
{color: #0000FF;} {color: #00F;} {color: rgb(0,0,255);} {color: rgb(0%, 0%, 100%);}
The first example uses three two-digit hexadecimal RGB values (for a complete explanation, see Appendix D). The second example uses a shorthand three-digit syntax, which is converted to the six-digit form by replicating each digit (therefore, 00F is the same as 0000FF).
The last two formats use a functional notation specifying RGB values as a comma-separated list of regular values (from 0 to 255) or percentage values (from 0 to 100%). Note that percentage values can use decimals, e.g., rgb(0%, 50.5%, 33.3%)
CSS 1 and 2 also recognize 16 valid color names: aqua
, black
, blue
, fuchsia
, gray
, green
, lime
, maroon
, navy
, olive
, purple
, red
, silver
, teal
, white
, and yellow
. The CSS 2.1 Recommendation adds orange
, for a total of 17.
The color
property is easy to use, as shown in these examples (Figure 20-1). Unfortunately, in this book we are limited to the full spectrum of gray.
Note that this example and others in this chapter use inline styles purely as a space-saving device, not as a recommended markup practice. It is preferable to put style information in an external or embedded style sheet in the head of the document.
<p style="color: #000">Aenean congue bibendum ligula.</p> <p style="color: #666">Aenean congue bibendum ligula.</p> ...
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