Chapter 16. Single-Page Applications
The term single-page application (SPA) is something of a misnomer, or it is at least confusing two meanings of the word “page.” SPAs, from the user’s perspective, can (and usually do) still appear to have different pages: the home page, the Vacations page, the About page, and so on. As a matter of fact, you could create a traditional server-side rendered application and an SPA that were indistinguishable to the user.
The “single page” has more to do with where and how the HTML is constructed than the user’s experience. In an SPA, the server delivers a single HTML bundle when the user first loads the application,1 and any changes in the UI (which may appear as different pages to the user) are the result of JavaScript manipulating the DOM in response to user activity or network events.
SPAs still need to communicate frequently with the server, but HTML is usually only sent as part of that first request. After that, only JSON data and static assets are transferred between the client and server.
Understanding the reason for this now-dominant approach to web application development requires a little history….
A Short History of Web Application Development
The way we approach web development has undergone a massive shift in the last 10 years, but one thing has remained relatively consistent: the components involved in a website or web application. Namely:
HTML and the Document Object Model (DOM)
Static assets (generally multimedia: ...
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