
WebLogic’s SNMP agent can be configured to send a number of notification traps — for instance, when a log message is logged, when an attribute value has changed, or when configured thresholds for a monitor are exceeded.

Each trap notification is sent as a trap protocol data unit (PDU), which includes the following standard information:

Enterprise OID

The enterprise OID field in all trap notifications sent by WebLogic is set to WebLogic’s OID, .

Agent address

The agent address of the PDU is set to the IP address of the WebLogic server on which the trap was generated.

Generic trap type

The generic trap type of the PDU indicates the generic type of the trap. A value of 0 is used when the trap represents the start of the Administration Server. A value of 4 indicates an authentication failure and is generated when an incorrect community string is sent to WebLogic. Finally, a value of 6 is set for all other traps. Note that the Administration Server coldstart trap (0) and the authentication failure trap (4) are sent automatically in any configured SNMP agent.

Specific trap types

Different SNMP agents are permitted to further qualify the enterprise trap types by indicating an enterprise-specific trap type. Table 22-2 lists the specific trap types used in WebLogic.

Table 22-2. WebLogic-specific trap type values and their descriptions




This trap type is sent when a Managed Server that was previously down is started.


This trap type is sent when ...

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